Yorkshire HTOC
Here's a little reminder of whats been happening in Yorkshire lately....
November 1st was Tony's East Yorks get together at Seaways where half of the members who turned up braved the cold wet weather and turned up on their bikes . Not sure if i would have gone on bike or in car if i was able to get there so hats off to all riders in this miserable weather were having. Quite a good turn out for a friday meet in the rain, lets hope we can keep it up through the rest of Autumn and winter and look forward to our spring ride outs once again.
On the 7th November we had our South Yorkshire get together at our new location, the Ravenfield Arms where only the bravest of the brave ventured out in one of the wettest days ive ever experienced. Never seen so many floods in S.Yorks - ever.But that didnt put some of us off from getting to the Ravo Arms where seven of us had a great evening despite the rain . Well done to all who made it for this one and hope its a little drier for our next meet up there.
9th November was our Saturday get together at Squires which for some was a task to get to with certain areas still flooded but that didnt put us off. The weather was kind and the rain held off giving members the chance to get another ride in before winter sets in properly. Regular meet ups at Squires over winter seems to be a popular choice so watch out on the events pages for more dates for this venue..
November 16th was Benjamin's get together at the ever popular Sun Inn in Norwood, near Harrogate. It was a good turn out considering how cold and wet it was. Nevertheless, it didnt put anyone off from having a good day out and enjoying the culinary delights the Sun Inn had to offer. If you want to continue meeting at the Sun over the winter months then please get in touch with Benjamin Holdsworth, our West Yorkshire LC.
Our next gathering is on the 5th December at the Ravenfield Arms, Ravenfield,S.Yorks and everyone is welcome to join us at this new venue.